Spatial Analysis: Urban Growth Modeling for Pittsburgh MSA
In a team of two, we completed a growth modeling project in anticipation of the Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission (SPC)’s next large-scale comprehensive planning process for Pittsburgh Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA). Our findings aim to help planners model the interplay between supply and demand-side insights and guide smart-growth development across to places where growth can have economic and sustainable impacts.
Specifically, I trained a binomial model with 2001-2011 information and applied the model to forecast new developments in 2021 in R studio. This includes forecasting for a natural growth (demand-side) scenario and a planned growth (supply-side) scenario as well as providing allocation maps to guide sustainable growth.
For a quick view of the project, check out this one-pager poster I made in InDesign.

For the full report, click on the “view report” button below.
disclamer: this project is a part of a graduate course